
采购订单条款 & 条件

  1. 一般. 此采购订单(是否用作报价), 接受要约, or confirmation of a contract) is conditioned on and limited to its terms. By performing or by acknowledging receipt of this purchase order ("Contract"), 卖方同意其所有条款和条件. "Goods and/or Services" shall mean the goods supplied and/or services performed hereunder. 提升, 如协议前面所定义的(“买方”)反对卖方报价中的任何不同或附加条款, 致谢, 承兑汇票或类似单据. 规范, 本合同所提及的图纸和其他附件或文件均构成本合同的一部分. 尽管有上述规定, if 买家 and Seller have a fully executed agreement pre-dating this Contract (such as a Master Agreement, 总服务协议, terms of that agreement supersede the terms and conditions of this Contract.
  2. DELIVERY; TITLE. 卖方承认,在本合同正面规定的日期履行和交付货物和/或服务时,时间是至关重要的. 资料标题, 作为货物和/或服务组成部分的供应品和设备应按照国际贸易术语解释通则约定的交货地点一致并与交货地点保持一致地转交给买方. 双方同意,凡提及《正规澳门平台十大赌博》均应解释为国际商会发布的《正规网赌软件十大排行》.
  3. 保修. Seller warrants that the Goods and/or Services will: (a) be of quality, 设计, 材料和工艺, free of defects for one (1) year from date of final payment, (b)就服务而言, 包括提供所有操作, 劳动, 设备, 材料和供应,并做一切必要的事情,以正确履行本合同所述, (c)符合商定的规格, 图纸, data and samples and all technical requirements in Seller's proposals, 及(d)可出售及适合所出售的用途. This warranty continues in effect after acceptance and is in addition to warranties offered by Seller. Seller assigns to 买家 all applicable manufacturers' warranties. Seller shall promptly reimburse 买家 for its costs in remedying defects or, 由买方选择, Seller shall remedy such defects at its own expense and with all possible speed. 除了它的其他权利, 买家 may withhold money otherwise due Seller to cover 买家's costs and damages.
  4. 价格竞争力. 卖方保证货物和/或服务的价格不高于其他客户对相同或类似数量的货物和/或服务收取的价格. 如果买方能够以低于本合同规定的交货成本购买质量相同的货物和/或服务, 买方可通知卖方,卖方应在15天内支付等量货物和/或服务的较低成本. 如果卖方不能满足这样的低成本, 买方可以从其他来源购买该等货物和/或服务,并从买方在本协议项下的义务中扣除该等数量, 但本合同不受影响.
  5. 付款/税/留置权. 除非本合同另有规定, 付款应在发票日期后九十(90)天内到期, or upon completion and delivery of the Goods and/or Services, 以较晚的为准. 买方的政策是按周付款. 买方付款不构成接受. 卖方发票应单独列出税费. 买家 is liable only for taxes that Seller is authorized to collect from 买家 by law. 买方可以在卖方付款之前不付款, 如果请求, has furnished satisfactory releases of all liens and claims relating to the Goods and/or Services. 卖方应保护买方免受因货物和/或服务而产生的所有留置权和负担.
  6. 保险和安全要求. Prior to performance of any Goods and/or Services under this Contract, 卖方应自费获得, compliance to 买家's insurance and safety requirements. Plant site compliance access is managed by Avetta (www.avetta.com)为买方提供监控服务. 卖方将向Avetta提供保险证明,证明本合同或双方之间任何协议所要求的保险范围,并声明没有减少, 该等保险的取消或到期应在书面通知寄给买方之日起三十(30)天内生效. 在现场进行机械服务或一般劳动的承包商必须提交要求的OSHA日志和保险的副本, per agreement or purchase order: 奥升德高性能材料 Holdings Inc., c/o Avetta LLC, PO Box 51387, Irvine, California, 92619. 访问买方现场的服务供应商和顾问需要根据协议或采购订单将其要求的保险副本转发给:奥升德高性能材料公司, 收信人:财政部.德克萨斯州休斯顿特拉维斯街1010号900室77002.
  7. 图纸/规范/检查. 买方有权在任何合理时间使用卖方的设施检查货物和/或服务. No such approval/inspection shall relieve Seller of its obligations. If requested, Seller shall submit 图纸 and 规范 ("Descriptions") to 买家 for approval. 所有描述均为买方财产, and Seller shall not 使用 or permit others to 使用 such Descriptions for any other work.
  8. 专利. 卖方应赔偿, defend and hold 买家 harmless: (a) from claims for infringement of any patent, 版权, 因制造而得名的商标或商号, 使用, 或销售货物及/或服务, (b)任何费用, 费用, 责任和损害赔偿, 包括律师费, which 买家 may incur as a result of any alleged infringement. 买家 shall give Seller written notice of any such suit or claim and, 应买方要求, 卖方应及时提出抗辩.
  9. 遵守法律. Seller represents that the Goods and/or Services will comply with all applicable federal, 州和地方法律, 规则, 规定, 以及行政命令. 卖方/供应商承认.S. 海关及边境保护局("海关")正积极执行强制性出口前申报,即进口商安全申报。, which applies to all ocean container shipments ("LCL" and "FCL") destined for import into the U.S. 买家, 指定进口商备案时, 负责及时, 完整的, 以及向美国海关准确提交ISF数据. Seller agrees to fully cooperate and to ca使用 its freight forwarder, 航空公司, 代理商和/或代表在船舶启航前不迟于72小时提供买方提供的工作表上所需的数据元素. Seller also agrees to provide timely written notification of the same as soon as changes are known. 在收到买方的“OK to load”授权之前,货物被视为合规持有,不得装载到船上. If Seller furnished items set sail in violation of the filing requirements of the ISF 规定, 买方可以将这些物品退回给卖方重新装运,以满足ISF备案要求. 卖方同意赔偿, 并赔偿买方, any 费用 买家 incurs in connection with return and reshipment of such items, 以及任何处罚, 买方产生的罚款和其他费用.
  10. 解除/终止. 买家 may terminate all or part of this Contract for its convenience upon written notice to Seller. 买方应就本协议项下已提供的部分货物和/或服务向卖方支付合理费用.
  11. 保密. 卖方可以获得有关买方操作的信息, 计划, 设备, 财务状况, 正规网赌软件十大排行, 流程和客户(“买方信息”). 卖方应确保对所有买方信息保密,除非买方事先书面同意,否则不得向他人披露. 本段的任何规定均不妨碍卖方披露其能够证明的信息:(a)除卖方的作为或不作为外,已被公布并进入公共领域, its employees or agents; (b) was rightfully made known to Seller by third parties (other than those acting directly or indirectly for 买家 (or its predecessor, 首诺公司)), without restriction on disclosure; or (c) was known at the time of entering into this Contract, 并非从买方处获得, Solutia或其雇员或代理人.  卖方应交付给买方, 要求, 所有图纸, 规范, 备忘录, 笔记, 包含买方信息的材料和所有副本. These obligations shall continue beyond the termination of this Contract.
  12. 变化. 买家 may change 规范, packaging, delivery and transportation at any time. If the change affects the cost or time required for performance, a fair adjustment will be made and confirmed by 买家 issuing a Change Order. Seller shall notify 买家 prior to making any changes to raw materials, 制造方法, 生产设备或与履行本合同有关的地点,并应在进行任何此类更改之前获得买方的书面同意。. 买家 may terminate this Contract if 买家 does not consent to the changes.
  13. 买方的前提. 如果卖方进入买方的房屋, 卖方应:(a)遵守买方的现场规则, practices and policies; (b) indemnify and defend 买家, its employees and officers against all liabilities and losses of any kind, 包括成本, 费用和律师费, due to injuries (including death) or damage to persons or property occurring to or ca使用d by Seller, 其代理人或分包商, 或者他们的任何雇员, such indemnity to include injuries or damage ca使用d by the joint or concurring negligence of 买家 (but not those ca使用d by the sole negligence of 买家); (c) maintain the following minimum insurance:  (i) Workers' Compensation - Statutory; (ii) Employer's Liability $1,000,000 each accident/disease-each employee/disease - policy limit; (iii) Commercial General Liability (Bodily Injury, 财产损失, 正规网赌软件十大排行和已完成作业以及指定买方为附加被保险人的保险单上的合同责任)- $2,000,000次, combined single limit;  (iv) Comprehensive or Commercial Automobile Liability (Bodily Injury or 财产损失 for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles and naming 买家 as additional insured) - $1,000,000次, combined single limit; (v) Umbrella Liability Insurance - $1,000,000次, excess coverage over underlying primary insurance required and naming 买家 as additional insured.  卖方将从其工人赔偿和雇主责任承运人处获得有利于买方的代位求偿权的放弃, its employees and agents and furnish 买家 certificates confirming such coverage.
  14. 分配/分包/独立承包商. 卖方不得转让, subcontract or delegate all or any part of this Contract without 买家's prior written consent. Assignment with consent shall not relieve Seller of any obligations hereunder. 卖方现在是并将继续是独立的承包商.
  15. 杂项. THIS CONTRACT INCORPORATES THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE AS ADOPTED IN TEXAS, 并应受德克萨斯州法律的控制和解释,是本协议的完整理解和声明. Any modification, rescission or waiver must be in writing and signed by both parties. A waiver of any breach of these terms shall not waive any other breach. 章节标题只是为了方便. 第3款规定的义务, 7, 8, 11 and 13 of this Contract are of a continuing nature and shall survive any termination of the Contract, 任何悬, 完成或接受货物和/或服务, 或最终付款给卖方. 卖方应使其所有分包商遵守适用于分包货物和/或服务的本合同条款.